1. What’s the purpose of the PC?
2. How do you want the PC to look or what cosmetics are you going for?
3. Do you prefer the size of the PC to be small, small-medium, medium, or large? (ITX, M-ATX, ATX, OR E-TAX TOWER)
4. What games or applications are you planning to play/use?
5. Do you need a WiFi adapter/Bluetooth?
6. Do you need a Windows Activation License?
7. What price-point are you aiming for?
If you are unsure of how to answer some of these questions, please feel free to contact me so I can help out!
Additional details for in-depth (Don't have to answer unless desired)
What type of monitor are you using? (Resolution/Hz?)
Are your applications more CPU or GPU-based?
Do you run any different types of O.S besides Windows?